
Thursday, November 5, 2009


The last month has flown by with many, many new things to experience, here in North Dakota:

1. Gavin's first Halloween was met with "This is so, so cool, Mommy." This came as we were walking down the streets in downtown Williston, where merchants give the kids candy at every store. I can't even imagine how exciting it must have been for my son, who was always hungry a year ago to be handed candy of all things.

2. Gymnastics: Layne and Gavin have started in a gymnastics class and love it!!!

3. Basksetball: The girls are on a Rec team, with several practices under their belt. Kael joins them at an open gym, put on by the high school coaches a few nights per week. Through basketball, they have made two really good friends, who were so welcoming to them..much appreciated.

4. Homeschooling: Our schooling is going really well this year. We all love what we're learning and love the dynamic homeschool community here. As a family with 5 kids, we fit right in. We have a veteran homeschool family 4 houses away with neat kids who come over regularly. It's a real blessing to have such neat kids close.

5. Chocolate: Gavin just told me, "I like chocolate now, Mommy, yummy, yummy!!" SUCCESS-- it's only taken us 5 months, but he now appreciates our dessert of choice.

6. Adoptive community: We have been in contact with the AWAA families who also adopted children from Gavin's village. They are such an encouragement to us!! We are all planning to get the kids together in the spring so they can stay connected--what fun!! Watch out Indianapolis!

7. Church: I think we've found the church for our family to attend! We've visited there two Sundays now, and it is a really neat Body of Believers.

That about wraps it up. We are enjoying lots of Sunshine and being together as a family.

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